Friday, February 6, 2009

Canandaigua Lake

I meant to label my picture Canandaigua Lake. It is one of the Finger Lakes in New York State, about 25 miles from where I grew up. My brother lives in the village of Canandaigua now and he took this picture. Ain't it pretty?

Oh yeah, and I didn't use Picasa because my brother's pix are on Webshots.

1 comment:

  1. It's time to talk Technology.
    I'm impressed with your pic postings. Here in the children's department we've enjoyed viewing the pics your brother puts on Webshots. I have several friends who send pics over the web on a variety of webhosts. It has been interesting studying the different ones and noting the variety of features. I have just kept folders I've downloaded from my digital camera to our workroom pc. Then I email them to the weekly reader, a daycare I visited, or to friends & family. I have saved some pictures to discs. This seems like a good time to finally choose an online method. The nice "thing" about these "23 things" is that we are learning by doing, by then sharing, & of course by communicating our trials and errors and of course our successes with each other.
