Friday, February 6, 2009


I notice my blog does not show the picture. Just click on the big red square and you will be directed to Webshots to see the picture. Sorry, it's a peculiarity of Webshots.

Canandaigua Lake

I meant to label my picture Canandaigua Lake. It is one of the Finger Lakes in New York State, about 25 miles from where I grew up. My brother lives in the village of Canandaigua now and he took this picture. Ain't it pretty?

Oh yeah, and I didn't use Picasa because my brother's pix are on Webshots.



Having some trouble with the Picasa pictures but doing a lot better on the "Where In the World" game. That's sort of fun to do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Double wowsie

It was interesting.


I made a blog.